showing 15 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardauthor(s)
Donald Duck's Playground Sierra On-Line1986 labelimageminimize
Donald's Alphabet Chase Disney Software (Consult Software)1988 labelimageminimize
Larrie & The Ardies  Kingsoft (Capital Software Designs)1988 labelimageminimize
Dynamite Dux  Activision (Core Design)1989 labelimageminimize
The New Zealand Story Ocean (Choice Software)1989C. Gordon (program)
S. Connor (graphic)
Count Duckula in No Sax Please - We're Egyptian Alternative Software (Enigma Variations)1990 labelimagesubject
Sophelie New Deal Productions1990 labelimageminimize
Edd the Duck Impulze1991 labelimageminimize
Agony Psygnosis (Art and Magic)1992Allister Brimble (music)
Frank Sauer (graphics)
Frank Sauer (music)
Jeroen Tell (music)
L. Larminier (program)
M. Iveson (music)
M. Simmons (music)
Marc Albinet (graphics)
Martin Wall (music)
Robert Ling (music)
T.Landspurg (program)
Tim Wright (music)
Yves Grolet (program)
Count Duckula II Alternative Software (The Conversion Company)1992 labelimagesubject
Crazy Seasons The Software Business (Idea Software)1992 labelimagesubject
Alfred Chicken Mindscape (Twilight)1993Andrew Swann
Donk! The Samurai Duck Supervision (The Hidden)1993Craig Howard
Simon Legget
William Bell
Edd the Duck 2 - Back with a Quack! Zeppelin1993 labelimageminimize
Tony & Friends in Kellogg's Land Rauser Computer Advertising (Factor 5)1994 labelimageminimize